
Bəzi düymə ölçüləri

1. 2.9*3.9 two-foot smallturtle2. 2*3*0.6 membrane switch3. 2*4*3.5 Side Press
4. 2*4*3.5 with bracket5. 3*3 membrane switch6. 3*3*1.5  SMD
7. 5.3*3.5 plum small turtle8. 3.7*3.7*0.359. 3.5*4.7 turtle four feet
10. 3*4 Smile switch11. 3*4*2 PIN small turtle12. 3*4*2 4PIN  small turtle
13. 3*4*2 package PIN14. 3*4*2.5 4 PIN SMD15. 3*4*2.5 package PIN
16.3*4*4 small turtle17. 3*6*2.5 plate18. 3*6*2.5
19.3*6*3.5 Side Press20. 3*6*4.3 Black21. 3*6*5White
22.3*6*5 package PIN23. 3*6*5 PIN positioning24. 3*6*5 2 PIN long
25.3*6*5 2 PIN26. 3*6*5 flat PIN27. 3*6*5 with bracket
28.3*6*5 New side Press29. 3*6*5 patch white30. 4*4*0.8 membrane switch
31.4*4*1 flat cover32. 4*4*1.5 Waterproof33. 4*4*1.5 plastic head
34.4*6*2.535. 4*6 large turtle36. 4.5*4.5*0.5 membrane switch
37.4.5*4.5*1.5 patch38. 4.5 * 4.5 * 3.8 pins39. 4.5*4.5*4.3 feet
40.4.5*4.5*5 feet41. 4.5*4.5*5 patch42. 5*5*0.5 membrane switch
43.5*5*1.544. 5.8*5.8 Self-locking flat head45. 5.8*5.8 Self-locking
46.6*4 transparent button cap47. 6*6*3.1 5 PIN black48. 6*6*3.4  4 PIN red
49. 6*6*3.4 package PIN white50. 6*6*3.4 package PIN51. 6*6*5 SMD blue
52.6*6*4.3 pin orange53. 6*6*5 pins54. 6*6*6 pin red
55.6*6*7 pin green56. 6*6*8 pins white57. 6*6*9 pin blue
58.6*6*10 pins yellow59. 6*6*5 patch60. 6*6*7 SMD green
61.6*6*4.3 stent orange62. 6 * 6 *5 bracket63. 6*6*6 bracket red
64.6*6*7 with Stand Green65. 6*6*5 side 2PIN black66.6*6*4.5 straight red PIN
67.6*6*5 straight PIN black68. 6*6*7 straight green69.6*6*5 PIN in the middle
70.6*6*5 PIN in the middle71.6*6*6 PIN in the middle72.6*6*7 PIN in the middle
73.6*6*4.3PIN in the middle74.6*6*5 feet in the round75.6*6*5 half straight
76.6*6*8 half straight white77.6*6*9 half straight blue78.6*6*10 half straight yellow
79.6*6*5  straight80.6*6 with red light81.6*6*4.5 Waterproof
82.6*6*5 Waterproof83.6*6*5 silent switch84.6*6*7.5 straight
85.10*10*9 6 PIN86.12*12*4.3 pin red87.12*12*5 pins
88.12*12*5 patch89.12*12*5 patch orange90.12*12*10 patch green
91.12*12*5 feet blue92.12*12*5 feet93.12*12*5 feet white
94.12*12*6 waterproof blue95. 12*12*8 waterproof96.12*12*10 waterproof yellow
97.12*12*7.3 Insert Square yellow98. Type blades 70-9099. WK-003 straight bend
100. HD-25Detection switch

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